YE(P)STEM Webinar "Science Capital and Equity in Science Engagement"
Cartas com Ciência celebrates its scientists' community with a seminar to widen access to tools on how to communicate science taking into account principles of equity and social justice. The recording of the presentations will be made available as a new module of the Cartas com Ciência's Scientist Training Programme.
September 11th 2024 (Wednesday)
10h-12h Brasília | 12h-14h Praia | 13h-15h Bissau/São Tomé | 14h-16h Lisboa/Luanda | 15h-17h Maputo | 22h-00h Díli
Science Capital and Equity in Science Engagement
The seminar has ocurred and it was a great opportunity to learn and share ideas. The recording of the presentations will be made available as a new module of the Cartas com Ciência's Scientist Training Programme.
We had real-time audio translation from Portuguese to English and from English to Portuguese.

Presentations from Invited Speakers; Q&A; Discussion
Cartas com Ciência aims to counter inequalities through broadening participation in science, by supporting young people to form a relationship with science through scientists, coming to see that scientists are 'regular people' and that science could be 'for me'. Their programmes try to support a science or STEM-related identity, as well as confidence and comfort with science. Substantial research, including research on science capital, over the past 10-15 years provides insights into how programmes may be able to support these outcomes. In this webinar, participants will be introduced to the concept of science capital. We will explore the implications of associated research and multiple evaluation projects on efforts to engage young people with science and support science identity. Next, we will take a deep dive into a project based at the University of Galway that explores how the (Primary) Science Capital Teaching Approach has been implemented in scientist-facilitated intervention with school children, including aspects of the training developed for participating scientists.
Invited Speakers

Jennifer DeWitt, PhD

Shannon Stubbs
(doctoral student, University of Galway)
Unfortunately we cannot guarantee non-automatic live zoom transcription or interpretation in all sign languages of the Portuguese speaking countries. We will make the subtitled recordings (also in English) of the sessions available upon requests to info[at]
Any question please write info[at]
Dr Jen DeWitt is an independent consultant who brings over 15 years of experience with research and evaluation in STEM engagement and participation, including work with families and school groups in informal science environments. She was the lead researcher on the original ASPIRES project, which gave rise to the influential concept of science capital. In that role, she was responsible for the development and analysis of quantitative and qualitative measures, as well as the evaluation of classroom interventions around science careers. She continues to bring an equity lens to her work evaluating science communication and engagement projects, including evaluations for Cell Explorers and overseeing evaluation/evaluation strategy for Mangorolla, who produce ‘I’m a Scientist, Get me out of here’. Both projects involve introducing young people to scientists.
Shannon Stubbs is a PhD student with the Cell Explorers science education research group ( at the University of Galway, funded by a Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship. Her research explores how the Primary Science Capital Teaching Approach may be implemented in scientist-facilitated interventions to support young people's engagement with science.
*What does STEM mean?
STEM means Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.
This initiative is supported by
Diversity in Science Grant 2023
As part of subsidy for "YE(P)STEM" project
With the partnership of