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Bring together. Share. Inspire.


Cartas com Ciência (literally translated to Letters with Science) is a spin-off of spin-off da Native Scientist,  inspired by the american project Letters to a Pre-Scientist.


The Cartas com Ciência program aims to inspire children* in Portuguese-speaking countries to consider higher education and, in particular, careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).


Through correspondence by letters (snail mail) between researchers** and school-age children, our mission is to create conversations that allow to mitigate barriers and prejudices related to higher education and research careers, and that promote scientific and Portuguese language literacy. For many of these children, it will probably be the first time they receive a letter!


We inaugurated the project on May 5th, 2020, the first World Day of the Portuguese Language.



The Cartas com Ciência program aims to inspire children* in Portuguese-speaking countries to consider higher education and, in particular, careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).


Through correspondence by letters (snail mail) between researchers** and school-age children, our mission is to create conversations that allow to mitigate barriers and prejudices related to higher education and research careers, and that promote scientific and Portuguese language literacy. For many of these children, it will probably be the first time they receive a letter!


We inaugurated the project on May 5th, 2020, the first World Day of the Portuguese Language.


The Cartas com Ciência program aims to inspire children* in Portuguese-speaking countries to consider higher education and, in particular, careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).


Through correspondence by letters (snail mail) between researchers** and school-age children, our mission is to create conversations that allow to mitigate barriers and prejudices related to higher education and research careers, and that promote scientific and Portuguese language literacy. For many of these children, it will probably be the first time they receive a letter!


We inaugurated the project on May 5th, 2020, the first World Day of the Portuguese Language.

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